Friday, November 2, 2007

Is There Anything Really To Be Done Next?

What if there is never anything that needs to be done to speed this process up or slow it down?

What if existence Itself is always the one in charge, and the doer of all doing? Even the telling of the story of doing may be coming only from the Is-ness of all that is?

The large Mississippi river of Life is just going to keep flowing wherever it flows, despite any efforts to steer it and control it. While we narrate that we have control, can we really know that this is true? And, this is just as valid part of this dream as any other.

We can choose to spin this fact as good news or bad news, and yet no spinning can change the factual reality of reality. And yet, the factual reality of reality itself is always changing.

Finite mind might as well "relax and float down stream" as the Beatles sing. And, yet being tense and and swimming up stream may be just as good as well.

If there is only one boat, one life, there is no way to fall off of this boat. And we can pretend to be off of it for alleged life times, and this is just as cool. Life is so much less serious than we make it.

Are there comments and questions coming up in the apparent "out there"? If so they may be answered in future posts of Blogging Awakening.


Tom said...

Is there anything really to be done next? Well, yes and no. From the level of absolute reality, there is nothing to be done, as nothing is happening. All happening is just a dream. From the level of relative reality, where we happen to live (well, most of us, anyway), there is certainly something to be done next. There is always something to be done. I have posted on my computer the sum total of all the practical wisdom I have gathered to date. It reads: "If you want your life to work, do what needs to be done when it needs to be done."

In my view, I think it best to live according to the wisdom of whichever level one actually lives on. To live on the relative level and act as if "there is nothing to be done" is to court material disaster. On this level, one had better do what needs to be done. If one is truly awakened to the nonreality of the material world, and thus living in the absolute, one will naturally realize that there is nothing to do because there is nothing, just pure being/awareness. We must live according to our realization, not according to some theoretical understanding of higher mystical truth.

Bruce Terrell said...

Tom Writes:

"In my view, I think it best to live according to the wisdom of whichever level one actually lives on."

I hear this and have had the same thought many times, and yet aren't we each living on all levels at the same time?

We may narrate the story that we are here or there, and yet in our true nature how could we not be all of that right now?