Sunday, November 4, 2007

This is it. This Moment Is Our Arrival.

This is it! This moment is our arrival. Yes, let’s celebrate! And, this moment also is our arrival. Ah, lets celebrate again. Lets break out the Champaign. We are still here. Cool! How amazing!

Congratulations to all for having arrived here from doing nothing. Here, we are, still here. Nothing has changed. Here we are, still here.

How wild it is that arrival includes seeking and that arrival is a feature of seeking. We can play at seeking on the arrival game board for eternity without ever leaving arrival. God alone is.

There can never be a somewhere else to get to because it’s all already here. And yet, while we are already here we can still seek. We can walk forward on the path-less path, we can seem to meander forever, without ever leaving home. What a great set up!

Arrival can never really be left. It is the permanent state. It is the way of things. It is a never ending celebration that includes seeking and finding, and includes having and not having. It includes all things. It is the party that lasts for ever! Amen.

I join my friend on the East Coast in singing again the ultimate hymn of creation: "God Alone Is, God Alone Is". Ah, yes!


Tom said...

This is it. This moment... Let's celebrate. You are sounding more and more like Rajneesh all the time! When we finally stop, yes, it seems like we have arrived. But this sense of arrival exists only because we seem to have left. What is prior to leaving or arriving? I like the simple designation That. We might also call it primordial consciousness, or God. I would suggest that That is what is the permanent state, the way of things, that which includes all -- seeking, finding, having, not having, leaving, arriving, all things. All things are manifestations of, and arise in, That. And That thou art!

Bruce Terrell said...

Tom, I like your question:

"What is prior to leaving or arriving?.

Leaving and arriving appear as if they are events in a dream and yet, as you say, the way of things includes it all.

The Atman is truly changeless, it holds the comings and goings but is not changed by them.

To paraphrase what I once heard Peter Brown say: "We may think we are in hell with hot lead being poured on us and yet the changeless is still happening."

Anonymous said...

"There is no-thing to hold on to,
not even God.
Spacious Awareness,IS All HERE NOW. That is that.

And in the Experience of "me" there is the opportunity of noticing and compassionately embracing my imperfections.As I do this sweet dissolving,dissolving in, just allowing, what is happening.Such freedom, blissful being,saying YES to life,a celebration of gratitude !